Hi, my love!
My name is Jumoke and I coach Spirit-filled women the art of godly femininity
The Lord has given me a burden to rise up a generation of healed, whole, and purposeful women.
Equipping women in godly femininity is one of the ways I'm accomplishing this.
Finally. Femininity taught from a Christian perspective.
Are you tired of seeing all this talk about femininity, but it just doesn't sit right with you?
There's something in you that wants to level up as a confident, feminine, woman of God...
...But you're not sure where to start.
I understand,
my love.
Check out my resources to get you started.

Femininity Hotline
Have a personal question about femininity? Or maybe there's a personal issue that you would like practical, godly feminine advice about.
Through GodlyFem Hotline, you can schedule a call with Jumoke to discuss any femininity problem that you have.

GodlyFem® Masterclass
90 days to a more feminine, softer, confident YOU!
Through GodlyFem's flagship masterclass program, you will receive 12 weeks of intensive femininity training to transform you into the woman you're called to be.

Shop GodlyFem® Boutique
Shop our collection of GoldyFem® curated outfits to always keep you reflecting the woman of caliber you’re called to be
You're not alone...
You don't have to go through this journey alone...
GodlyFem® Masterclass will take you from insecure, lost, and confused to an elegant, bold, godly feminine woman in just 90 days.
Your best self is waiting...
Testimonials from some of my GodlyFem ladies
It's time to leave those unfeminine habits behind and step into true, biblical womanhood.
Meet Your Instructor
"I'm on a mission to rise up a generation of healed, whole, and purposeful women"
Jumoke is a faithful daughter of the Most High, Spirit-filled femininity coach, fun-loving mentor, fiery prophetic minister, tenacious entrepreneur, master dream interpreting author, giver of the best hugs, chief agbaya, and egusi-eating connoisseur.
"I am the curse breaker of my bloodline."

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