Keep scrolling, my love
It seems like the only way to level up is either...
1. Trust worldly femininity sources
2. Shoot in the dark and try to apply an overwhelming amount of information
3. Be born a godly feminine woman

What if I told you that there's a simpler and more godly way to start your femininity journey?
No more shifting through sources that...
1. Only tell you how to get a "High Value Man"
2. Cover up inner healing issues with bags and makeup
3. Mix femininity with divination and manipulation
4. Promise to transform you into a softer, feminine woman but only end up wasting your time and money
Become that confident woman of God today
Finally. A biblical femininity program that walks you step-by-step into godly womanhood
Heal, grow, and transform into the woman you're called to be
Learn everything you need to know about biblical femininity
Get the confidence and know-how to embrace godly womanhood

"If only I had something like this when I first started my femininity journey!"
My love, I have been on my femininity journey since I became a Christian many years ago. I learned so much along the way, but it took a lot of trial, error, and... time. I wish I had a straight forward guide to overcome being unfeminine, insecure, and a people pleaser.
You may find yourself in the same boat. My question to you is what's holding you back? Starting your journey today will put you on track to breaking generational cycles and becoming all the Lord has called you to be...
"Femininity is not about keeping up with an act. It's who you are and are becoming."
Don't get left behind...
Life Changing
I can honestly say, this masterclass aided to my overall growth tremendously. Jumoke dives into authentic Godly Femininity, and targets every area of our development, from childhood into adulthood. This class taught me how to better myself in areas of spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and even relational growth as it partakes to myself, God, and others, both romantically and platonically. Furthermore, the community and safe space provided through this masterclass greatly assisted in my willingness to be transparent without fear of judgement. Overall, this class has shaped me to become a better Godly woman, and has reminded me of the beauty of not only who I am, but who's I AM. I am forever grateful for this class, the community of women, and Jumoke's obedience to God's call on her life. If you are a female seeking to better your relationship with yourself, God, and or others, I would 100% recommend this masterclass! It is the beginning to a life well deserved.
Perfect for me
I found this course to be exactly what I needed at this stage on my femininity journey. I wanted to be taught about womanhood from a biblically sound perspective and this is exactly what Jumoke did. The sessions were engaging, informative and community-based, which made it perfect for me. It was a comfortable safe space to talk about all things womanhood from the biblical, to the biological and social. Jumoke is an excellent teacher with a wealth of knowledge. This course has been carefully developed and produced to an excellent standard and it shows. I would do this course all over again!
Tailored Femininity
I looked forward to this course every week, it was so much fun. Because this course is live and Holy spirit led, Jumoke was able to specifically tailor it to the girls involved so it wasn't cookie cutter and I really liked that. She gave life changing, practical advice that I still use and will continue to use. Definitely worth it!
Here's what GodlyFem® Masterclass will offer you...

1. 12 Weeks of Virtual Modules and Assignments
GodlyFem® Masterclass will transform you into a confident, softer, more feminine you in just 90 days through weekly cultivated modules and assignments.

2. Unlimited email support with Jumoke
For the duration of GodlyFem® Masterclass program, you will have unlimited email support with Jùmòké to discuss your progress, challenges in specific areas you may struggle in, and any personal guidance you may need.

3. 100 Page Full-Color Workbook Shipped to You
No need to worry about keeping up! We have curated a full color workbook for you to enjoy and follow along with the modules. You will have access to a physical and digital copy for no extra cost.

4. Exclusive Community with Go-Getter Curse Breakers
For the duration of this program, you will be joined to GodlyFem® Elite—a community of likeminded women on the same journey as you. You will have access to group coaching sessions as well as access to all resources in the GodlyFem® vault.
The Three Principles of Godly Femininity
“Charm is deceptive,
and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears
the Lord is to be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30
Why you can no longer afford to stay stuck:
➡ You're tired of feeling inferior to other feminine women
➡ You know you're called as the curse breaker of your bloodline and the future generation is counting on you to break the cycle
➡ You've tried to start your femininity journey but it's been slow and you have no real plan
➡ You know that not understanding biblical femininity now will delay you and cause you to live with regret
➡ You're tired of being "strong" and living your life to please others

Who is GodlyFem® Masterclass NOT for?
✘ Those who do not want to invest into their femininity journey
✘ Those who want a quick fix and are not willing to put in any work
✘ Those who do not want to grow in femininity from a biblical perspective