8 Types of Women to Avoid in Your Femininity Journey 🙅🏾‍♀️

Alright, my love. Let’s dive deeper into some traits to avoid in women as you progress on your journey towards godly femininity. As you grow and meet different types of people, you’ll notice that certain traits just don’t align with your overall growth and development. Being mindful of these traits will help you build stronger, healthier relationships that support your journey. Here are eight traits to look out for:

1. Unbeliever

First, be cautious of those who lack a moral foundation. People who do what is right in their own eyes without a sense of conviction or a desire to please God can lead you astray. As a godly, feminine woman, it's important to surround yourself with others who share your values, even if they aren’t perfect. These individuals strive to honor God in their actions, standing on the word of God as their guiding principle. When disagreements arise or mistakes are made, they at least have the conviction to strive for what is right in God's eyes. This shared foundation of faith can provide a stable ground for your friendships, fostering mutual respect and growth.

2. Misandrist

Next, avoid women who harbor hatred towards men. As godly, feminine women, especially those who embrace hypergamy, we respect and value men. We see them as providers and leaders, essential to the structure of the home and society. Engaging in gender wars or focusing solely on the negative aspects of men can taint your mindset. It's crucial to recognize and appreciate the good men in your life, rather than letting a few bad experiences shape your overall view. Women who constantly speak negatively about men can hinder your ability to form healthy, respectful relationships with them. This negativity can even affect your prospects of finding a godly, provider husband if you’re not yet married.

3. Lacks Accountability

Steer clear of women who can’t admit when they’re wrong or take responsibility for their actions. Accountability is crucial for personal growth and development. A woman who refuses to acknowledge her mistakes or who consistently deflects blame is not conducive to a healthy relationship. These individuals may do things in secret, avoid being called out, and have a defense mechanism that prevents them from being honest about their shortcomings. In your journey towards godly femininity, being around women who embrace accountability will encourage you to do the same, fostering an environment of mutual growth and integrity.

4. Doesn’t Value Health

A godly, feminine woman values her health, understanding that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and the only one she’ll have in this lifetime. This is not about adhering to a specific size or look but about being conscientious of what you consume and how you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Women who don’t prioritize their health can be draining to be around. They might eat anything, neglect exercise, or have emotional ups and downs that create unnecessary drama. Prioritizing your health is essential for fulfilling your purpose and living a vibrant, productive life. Being around women who share this value will support your own commitment to health and wellness.

5. Neglects Appearance

Intentionality in how you present yourself is important. It's not about a specific look or size, but about making an effort to present yourself in the best possible way. A woman who doesn’t care about her appearance and lacks effort in her presentation can bring unnecessary drama and insecurity into your life. This isn't about vanity but about self-respect and the image you project to the world. When you take care of your appearance, you show that you value yourself and others. You present yourself as an ambassador of the kingdom, reflecting the dignity and grace of a godly woman. Surrounding yourself with women who also value their appearance can inspire you to maintain high standards and feel confident in any setting.

6. Low Emotional Intelligence

Women who lack emotional intelligence can be significant distractions. Emotional intelligence involves being in tune with your emotions, managing them effectively, and understanding the emotions of others. A woman with low emotional intelligence may be passive-aggressive, dishonest about her feelings, or unable to manage her emotions, which can lead to unnecessary conflicts and drama. As you become more emotionally intelligent, you'll notice that many women struggle in this area. They may not recognize their own emotions, such as jealousy, and fail to manage them constructively. This lack of awareness can hinder your growth and create emotional turmoil. Being around emotionally intelligent women will help you develop these skills, fostering healthier, more supportive relationships.

7. Prideful

Avoid women who are too proud to admit their mistakes or seek help. Humility is a vital trait for personal and spiritual growth. A woman who is always trying to be right but not striving to be righteous can be difficult to interact with. Pride can prevent people from acknowledging their flaws and accepting constructive criticism. In your journey, humility allows you to learn from your mistakes and grow. A humble woman can say, “I need help,” or “I made a mistake,” without feeling diminished. This openness and willingness to grow are essential for building strong, supportive relationships. Surrounding yourself with humble women will encourage you to be open and honest about your own imperfections, fostering an environment of mutual support and growth.

8. Victim Mentality

Finally, avoid women who have a victim mentality. These individuals find a problem for every solution and constantly complain about their circumstances without taking action to improve their lives. A woman who sees herself as a victim can drain your energy and hold you back. Instead of focusing on what she can control, she blames others for her situation and waits for someone to rescue her. This mentality is counterproductive to personal growth and empowerment. As a godly woman, you are called to take dominion over your life, make proactive decisions, and partner your prayers with actions. Women who have a sense of tenacity and empowerment will inspire you to take control of your own journey and create the life you want.


In summary, these are eight traits to be mindful of as you build friendships on your journey towards godly femininity. Surrounding yourself with women who share your values, prioritize their health and appearance, and exhibit emotional intelligence, accountability, humility, and empowerment will support your growth and development. Being mindful of these traits will help you build stronger, healthier relationships that align with your goals and values.

I hope this blog helps!

If you’re ready to take your femininity journey to the next level, then grab your FREE copy of the 7 Day Godly Femininity Challenge: 


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About Me

Hi, my love!

My name is Jumoke and I am the creator of GodlyFem!

I created this brand to coach Spirit-filled women to level up through the art of godly femininity ✨

I know how it feels to be lost, insecure, and overlooked in life. Channeling the femininity that God put inside me allowed me to level up into the best version of myself.

And I believe this for you too!

If you are ready to step into the abundant life the Lord has promised you while maintaining your inner softness, then you are definitely in the right place 💕