Confidence vs False Humility

Over the past year, I've been on a self-love journey with God and it has been eye-opening, to say the least. Recently, He began to speak to me about self-worth and false humility. We seem to confuse confidence with pride and lack of self-worth with "humility." We dim our light around others to not "offend" and lower ourselves and our standards because we don't think we're "good" enough.

To be honest, I didn't realize I struggled with worthlessness until recently. It creeps in so discreetly and masks itself behind being "humble" or "admitting one's shortcomings." It's a spirit that tells you lies like you're not good enough. Or who will buy anything from you? Or my favorite- your standards for life are too high. My friends, these thoughts are not your own. They are lies sent straight from the pits of hell. This spirit works very well with rejection and attacks your perception about yourself. Worthlessness can manifest in different ways, but here are some common symptoms:

  • low self-worth
  • low confidence
  • cannot value his or her time, expertise, or resources
  • feeling inadequate
  • people-pleasing
  • extreme servitude
  • orphan mentality
  • inability to take compliments
  • fishing for compliments
  • poverty
  • dangerous cycle of relationships
  • abuse
  • failure
  • poor self-image
  • stagnation
  • inability to dream big

Those are a few symptoms, and as you have probably noticed, many symptoms correlate with the spirit of rejection. As mentioned, these two spirits work very well with one another to warp one's perception of him or herself.

Dear reader, I'm writing to you today because it is very dangerous not to know what you carry. You are valuable in the eyes of God, and you don't need anyone else to confirm you. The enemy knows what you carry, but if he can blind you from seeing it yourself, then he wins. Don't give the devil stronghold in your life and rebuke those thoughts that tell you you're worthless! Be free from the deception and know that God loves you and has a plan for you. I know people have said hurtful things to you in the past that attacked your identity, but I release healing on whoever is reading this. There is healing in the name of Jesus. The bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God made you beautiful, and you don't have to settle for less or mediocre. You are more than enough. Even the gifts God has placed inside of you are valuable, so don't squander it. Know your worth and add tax! You are not a slave to people and their opinions. If God has already approved you, stop selling yourself short. Stop working for free and giving away your talent because you believe that no one will value your work. Stop settling for relationships that are a COMPLETE waste of time because you think that's the best for you in this life. It's not God's will for you to be a doormat. You are an image-bearer and child of God. What a title! We must see ourselves the way God views us in order to reach our full God-given purpose on earth.

Lastly, learn to take a compliment. Lol I know you weren't expecting that but you don't have to deflect compliments or be put in an awkward position to compliment the other person. Again, you don't owe anyone anything. It's a tragedy when others can see who you are but you can't. Hold your head up high and walk in Godfidence.~

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About Me

Hi, my love!

My name is Jumoke and I am the creator of GodlyFem!

I created this brand to coach Spirit-filled women to level up through the art of godly femininity ✨

I know how it feels to be lost, insecure, and overlooked in life. Channeling the femininity that God put inside me allowed me to level up into the best version of myself.

And I believe this for you too!

If you are ready to step into the abundant life the Lord has promised you while maintaining your inner softness, then you are definitely in the right place 💕